
Will LANTITE Practice Tests help?

Written Thursday 10 September 2020

Many students source LANTITE Practice Tests to help them prepare for the LANTITE. The question is, is it beneficial to do them?

Well, it depends. Simply doing a practice test will not necessarily improve your skills. There needs to be a learning process involved. 

Firstly, it is essential that you are provided with feedback that lets you know if your answers are correct or incorrect. You need to know how you performed overall. This will give you an indication of how well you have done on that particular test.

However, you need to consider that tests have different questions and questions have different levels of difficulties. You would not want to retire after one good test attempt if you are not 100% certain that all skills have been assessed! The intention must be to use the information from a practice test in order to improve. 

In order to improve, the next step is crucial but can be quite tricky. This step involves understanding your areas of weakness so you know the specific areas to work on. This feedback is best provided from a specialist teacher who can identify the skills involved in questions you answered incorrectly. Additionally, a specialist teacher can also identify associated skills that would also likely need improving. This is necessary because there are so many skills that overlap and even cross over the different learning areas.

I have heard many students say that they have focused on a single learning area that was reported as their main weakness on a failed LANTITE Numeracy Test, e.g. Number and Algebra. However, this has then led to a different learning area failed on the next attempt, e.g. Measurement and Geometry. Although it is important to improve areas of weakness identified from a practice test, it is equally important to continue working on all other areas as well. 

So, how are LANTITE Practice Tests best used? The answer is to only use them as a guide to track how you are going. The EduKate Numeracy Preparation Course for LANTITE focuses on teaching the most important skills during lessons, and provides Practice Tests to be completed in students’ own time. The intention of these Practice Tests is to allow for students to self-assess their understanding of concepts in certain topics. After more teaching and feedback from Kate, EduKate’s Practice Tests can be reattempted to track whether learning has occurred and improvements have been made.

For worthwhile LANTITE Practice Tests that a specialist teacher will evaluate and provide you with feedback on, join an EduKate Numeracy Preparation Course for LANTITE or Contact Kate. 

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