
LANTITE Test Dates: When is the best time to do it?

Written Thursday 13 August 2020

Teacher Education Students must sit and pass the LANTITE before they can graduate and become teachers. Most students choose to sit the test in their last year of their Education degree, however you may sit the test any time during your enrolment. There is already so much pressure in the final year of a degree, so why leave it to the last minute? If you are ready in your 3rd, 2nd, or even 1st year of your degree, my advice is that you should considering doing it then.

The 2020 LANTITE test dates are:

Test Window                                          

2020 Window 1: 
Registration: 14 Jan – 28 Jan 
Test Window Dates: 17 Feb – 1 March                          

2020 Window 2:                      
Registration: 15 April – 27 April                    
Test Window Dates: 18 May – 31 May

2020 Window 3:                    
Registration: 7 July – 20 July                         
Test Window Dates: 7 August – 23 August

2020 Window 4:                      
Registration: 1 October – 13 October            
Test Window Dates: 5 November – 19 November

The LANTITE test dates above are at similar times of the year to those that have been published for each year. So, considering there are four testing windows each year for the entire duration of your education degree enrolment, when is the best time to do it? The answer is simple… when you are ready!

Many students report that they are glad that they completed it early as they can then move on and concentrate on becoming a teacher. Even those who fail on their first attempt are glad to have attempted it early as they then have plenty of time to work on their skills or source help before attempting it again.

Here are some questions for you to consider that may help you determine if you are ready:

1.  Do you have a good understanding of a wide range of mathematical content?

The LANTITE consists of a range of topics in the following content areas:

  • Number and Algebra
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability

It is important that you feel confident that you have a sound understanding in a whole range of mathematical content in these areas. It is also important that you understand both calculator and non-calculator processes in each of these areas.

2. Are you able to identify and understand the mathematical content in worded problems?

There are many people who are confident using mathematical skills, however they find it extremely difficult to see the mathematics within worded questions and especially when presented with complicated graphs and tables. It can take a lot of practise to get better at this, and it often requires a specialist teacher to help you to more easily see the mathematics in problems.

3. Are you able to cope well with the stress of a test?

One of the most common reasons that students feel that they don’t perform in a test is because of stress. One of the best ways to avoid being stressed in a test is to make sure you are confident with the content you are expected to know. I have always found that the more confident someone is with their preparation for the LANTITE, the less stressed they are when sitting it. There are also many other strategies that can be implemented to help reduce ‘test stress’.

EduKate’s numeracy preparation courses can help you to be able to confidently answer ‘yes’ to all three questions above. It is possible to do your preparation early and then register for the LANTITE test afterwards, and it’s also an option to register for the LANTITE and then do an EduKate numeracy preparation course leading up to the LANTITE Test Dates. 

Either way, an EduKate numeracy preparation course will help you feel test-ready!

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